Electronic Components & Semiconductors
We offer high-quality goods from a variety of markets.
Source One is renowned in the domain of sourcing Electronic Components & Semiconductors, commanding respect across Europe and North America as a reliable intermediary for hard-to-find components.
As an independent player in the sourcing of board-level components, we use our substantial industry experience and extensive network of partners and certified agents to advantage. Our strength lies in our ability to buy and sell in the open market, affording us direct access to components from factories across Asia, despite not maintaining an inventory. In addition, we provide a robust counterfeit protection service to ensure the authenticity of every component we source.
Our operations are stringently compliant with ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 protocols and IDEA-STD-1010 receiving guidelines, underscoring our commitment to upholding the highest industry standards in the handling of ESD-sensitive devices.
Trusted by the world's foremost enterprises







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